Friday, January 30, 2009

*~对的人 ~*



Sunday, January 25, 2009

*~Happy Chinese New Year~*

HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to all friends, may you guys have a prosperity and happiness year. :D love u all~ (P/S: no time to update blog, ps ah..) ^^"


Tuesday, January 20, 2009


一直心里重复这个句子。是希望自己在心理上得到一点安慰吗? 我也搞不清楚。其实真的很不习惯更不喜欢离别的情景,试问有几个人又会喜欢这种感觉呢? 还记得有一年学院毕业典礼上,看着将要个分东西的朋友,不禁心里有点失落。曾经何时,大家相处在一起的点点滴滴,却让我万分舍不得。那时感觉就很无奈,因为不想增加家里的负担,只好选择看着他们一个个离开。还记得有个朋友要离开的前一天,:” 只听他在道别前跟我说句:“等我回来跟你打羽球” 。那时只能在心里默默的祝他前途无亮。所以,自己并不喜欢去机场送离别的朋友,那种感觉,相信大家也了解吧!也许,这个是每个人必须要面对的阶段吧。所以我特别认同缘分这个东西。不投缘时,大家就形同路人甲,路人乙,视为陌生人般擦肩而过。有的则一见如故,立刻成为好朋友。有的就从朋友开始,之后升为情人。有的则只是淡淡的朋友,见面打个招呼了事。有的却是为了个异性,争得你死我活。有的则是暗恋着对方而和他/她成为朋友。缘分就是这么奇妙,一旦没时,也许下一刻你们就不在是朋友,他/她也走出了你生命的范围。生命中进进出出的朋友,却实让我招架不住。想起大家已前能要好到倾谈心事,竟然也禁不起岁月的冲击,命运的作弄,缘份的尽头,就如此走出了我的生命,真的无法接受。今天收到从一位朋友传来的信息,觉得蛮窝心的。也解开我不少的谜底,疑惑。


在此送上给我认识的每个朋友,也许我不是你们最精彩的一部份,不再是你们当中最亮的一颗星,又或许我们为了各自的未来打拼而忘了彼此。也可能我们因为小小的误会而不在这样要好,趁佳节就要来临时,想对你们说:” 一日为友,一世不变!谢谢你们让我生活多精多彩!要珍惜大家这时在一起的时刻哦!



Saturday, January 17, 2009

*~Think Think Think~*

Since today my mind just blank, so just post a funny story here. I guess many of u have read this story? But is ok, just for sharing again.. ^^

The title of the story is "Never Laugh at a Chinese"

Heres its go....

"A Chinese man walks into a bank in New York City and asks for the loan officer. He tells the loan officer that he is going to China on business for two weeks and needs to borrow $5,000.

The bank officer tells him that the bank will need some form of security for the loan, so the Chinese man hands over the keys to a new Ferrari parked on the street in front of the bank. He produces the title and everything checks out.

The Loan officer agrees to accept the car as collateral for the loan. The bank's president and its officers all enjoy a good laugh at the Chinese for using a $250,000 Ferrari as collateral against a $5,000 loan.
An employee of the bank then drives the Ferrari into the bank's underground garage and parks it there.

Two weeks later, the Chinese returns, repays the $5,000 and the interest, which comes to $15.41. The loan officer says, 'Sir, we are very happy to have had your business, and this transaction has worked out very nicely, but we are a little puzzled. While you were away, we checked you out and found that you are a multi-millionaire. What puzzles us is why you would bother to borrow $5,000? The Chinese replies: 'Where else in New York City can I park my car for two weeks for only $15.41 and expect it to be there safely when I return."

Do you learn the story behind? :)what my opinion is, we used to think every things happened begins from our side, our points. Whats we think about might not be something right, just as what we think, haha~


Friday, January 16, 2009


下雨的午后,雨水轻轻的洒在窗口,灰灰的天空,不禁令人回味发生的事。回忆就像录影播放器,一片片发生的事,一幕幕的放映在脑海中,仿佛才在上一秒钟发生,心中体会着酸甜苦辣。。。自己也不禁的在傻笑~ “如果。。。。。。” 果然自己还是会老毛病发作,重覆着如果这个,如果那个。。翻开了去年一些正常的留影,心中确实不怎么好受。2008年,一个人生的转泪点-失恋了。无可否认,当时真的好像从几十楼摔下,心灵的重伤无人了解。一直认为自己很坚强,却原来不甚一击。当时唯一能得到心灵的平衡,就是麻醉自己。。开始不喜欢待在家,不喜欢自己一个人独处,更希望自己能永远睡觉都不醒。不知不觉就这样迷失自己,开始生活在一个灰色的世界。第一个让学习到的功课,就是往往自己在热恋中时,忽略了身边的朋友,当发生了事情,才想起他们。还记得当时去找了个朋友解闷时,他却很有信心的问了我:” 你们是不是。。“我还没回答他就接着说就知道的,不然你不会出现。。” 当时真的觉得自对不起他们,不过现在真想感谢我身边的朋友,无论是有形还是无形当中帮我走出这段阴影。而家人也不例外。。尤其是我老妈子,虽然你什么也没说,当可以从你眼中看出你当时的忧虑。真恨当时年轻热血缸气时的不懂事,让她气得暴跳如雷。也不懂几时,开始自己会思考。最近,我不时的看着她,发现她真的老了。。。。心中一阵阵的在痛,只听那天她握着我的手说道:“妈妈已经老了,人老不中用,以后就要依靠你” 。。天啊,那感觉真的不好受,我差点失控。幸好当时控制得著,因为我告诉自己,一定要坚强面对接下来的一切因为,自己也不小了。。




2009年的我!全新的我~! :D





3) 人生中的贵人:要记得好好的感激,因为他是你人生的转泪点。

4) 曾经爱过的人:记得微笑向他感激,因为他让你更懂爱的人。

5) 曾经恨过的人:要微笑向他打招呼,因为他让你更坚强。


7) 曾经偷偷喜欢的人:要祝他幸福,因为你喜欢他时不是希望他幸福快乐吗?



10) 现在和你相伴的人:要百分百感谢他爱你,因为你们现在都得到幸福和快乐。


Thursday, January 15, 2009

*~Untitled again~*

Saw a nice story in newspaper, copied to share with you guys ;P~

一个人一直不太得意,就特地跑去请了一个有名的算命师。算命师左看右看,最后告诉他:“你四十岁以前一定是即落魄又贫穷,生活很不如意,对不对? ” 这个人听了大为惊讶,觉得算命师简直是神仙:“大师,你可真厉害!我一直都不顺利命运很坎坷,再过几天我就四十岁了。那四十岁以后呢? ” 他充满了期待,等著算命师的回答。

“四十岁以后? 四十岁以后你依然贫穷。” 此人疑惑的问算命师,“为什么?”
“因为你已经习惯了。” 算命师说道。

什么事情你已经习惯了,你又不肯改变,别人能帮助你,拯救你吗? 想要别人帮助你,就要有改变自己的勇气;想要自己拯救自己,就要养成良好的习惯。

P/S:Since like so long have not see the blue sky after the continuos raining for few days in kuching~ :) just a random shot,keke~ Honestly, i love blue sky~ cant tell the reason, but feel so relax and confortable while viewing at it.. It just like understand me better than everyone..

Stay with me again,friends~


Thursday, January 8, 2009

*~First Post for 2009~*

Rain rain rain~ :) its really downgraded my mood.. i dont know why, rainy days oweys make me feel so sleepy, and i will be in relaxing mode. I bet others are also like me ho! =X keke.. Today while working just think something nonsences again. -_____- but its quite true, can say is FACT actually. Well, before go home, i was sit with my collegues discussed about some love matter as recently she is relationship. There is a point i found out, "is it the older you are, more hard for you to say out the words (i love you)?" PLUS now we are living in the hi-tech world! Mayb u can say so many times "I LOVE YOU" in sms, msn and etc.. But theres a group of ppl cant say it face to face. Do u guys agree with it? HAHA, then we "interview" her about the love matter. Accidentally found that she cant remember her bf chinese name, omg! =.= i thought older ppl will more mature in love, but seem like they sometime also blur blur like that.. kns~ its been over half year i'm in single status i guess.. :)when met couples on the street, i ever asked myself, "Do you ready once again"? But....

Question Answer
1) Do you have a luxury car? Kancil only.. :(

2) Do you own a house? Nop.. :(

3) Do you able to purchase a LV beg? Its kill me..

4) Do your income enough to cover her? Not even enough to cover myself.. T.T

5) Do you guarantee can give her hapiness? Yes.. But i cant even fulfill the fouth
question above,how am i going to give her

Mayb many of you will objected with what i try to point out, but its quite true.. "Can you treat love as your daily bread"? However, this is my own opinion only.. I'm fail once again,sad.. Just treat myself dont have this qualification to fall in love with ppl.. :)but jia you in 2009, try mybest!

"我不期望拥有轰轰烈烈的曾经,只渴望拥有平凡却长久的爱情"~ i guess this is what i wan.. :D
wish all my single friends found their love in 2009, and for those in love, hopes you guys sweet like honey and stick like superglu, keke~


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

*~Farewell 2008~*

HELlo world, Hello all~best greeting to all my friends.. :( its really "sayang" coz miss out the farewell for 2008 and sorry for so long dint update my blog. As my computer is fixed now, so i guess will take this spaces to rewind back whats happened on the last few days on 2008..

So on the christmas eve of 2008 we are ready for our trip, i can say like "shua deng ka" go town, haha.. Whole planes just our voice in the air, i thought the air-crew gona give us parachutes and ask us to jump out the plane.. Wakakaka =X.. The first nite we were stay in Genting as hotel in town is expensive.. So we just walk around and BEING LIE got fireworks as many ppls gathered outside.. WHo knows! just heard those monkey shouting like crazy ppl, heres " 5,4,3,2,1" then another side "5,4,3,2,1"..(P/S: actually how many times u guys wan to countdown ah =.=).. then we going kasino walk and its end of our christmas eve nite.. The next day just shopping around genting and then in kasino for while then at 3pm we going down K.L city to take the rented car.. Omg, that time all just like hungry ghost, so we went to P.J there to ate crabs..

I guess many ppl know it.. Quite famous at local.. (some of my friends say very "fui" only got crab and fried chicken to eat, haha)

Terrible or not? =X fried rice just reach nia then gone...

Second plate de crab.. makan balas dendam! =X

Siaw gai yik~ ^^"

After that, then we driving back Muar to stay at 1 friend house as it wil be our turning station for the next today! The next day we having our breakfast at Muar.

Walao.. Their Bak kut teh like no need money de, So many many "spare-part"! and only cost around Rm5 per person.. CHEAP?! :) ya! cant find in kuching i guess!

Ah Ding so happy ah? :D

After that we moved to JB and shopped at city square and jusco only. Then we drove back to Muar and try the Thailand food.. Its actually super nice but that time my phone low batted.. So sad, cant even take a single photo.. Show u guys next trip, haha! Its end of another day again, damn fast and rush, haha! The next day we rushed to Melaka again.. Below are some photos to share with:

Eye of Malaysia is moving to Melaka!

Shall we called it as Melaka Tower? ;)

Riverbank view~

Hot shot, 篮球火的球魁? =X ei dont like that ho! give some face lei!

The local trade-mark of Melaka?

not bad if wedding picture is taken here.. Personal opinion, no flames.. XD

Double Decker Double Decker~ (i'm damn kampung boy).. -___-||

阿贤人情味got intro de 海南鸡饭!

Got saw 2 weird uncle hello with me? -__-|| swt~



Huuu.. Heres the end of Melaka journey and we moving back to K.L.. I guess kl no need me to intro la, everyone ever go there, some go till sien liaw.. haha~! @@almost fainted while updated this post.. kns, damn long! Good Bye 2008.. I wish all friends have a healthy and the smootiest time in 2009! All the best to u guys.. :)
