Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Another raining nite again, its really makes ppl's mood become blue and moody. The recent topic we discuss at office is regarding the temper of each and how they gona handle it with different method. Its make me remind back a story heard from radio, lets us have some sharing by chinese? :) heres the story go, (something like that):
"A先生是个脾气坏到极限的人,当他发脾气时可以管你三七二十一的破口大骂,完全不理会别人的感受.某一天,B先生见状,便授于他一个舒解压力,脾气的办法.每当很气很气时,就把一枚钉子钉在木梁上.于是时日久了,A先生的脾气也渐渐受到控制..看见满满钉子的木梁,他一个个把它们拔开,唯独却看见木梁百孔千穿..我们生气,发脾气的时侯所说的话,就像一枚钉子钉在心上,无形当中被我们伤害的人,心就像木梁,百孔千穿~ "

Heres the story end.. no flame ya, just for sharing only.. :) have a nice day~
